
Friday, 23 January 2015

Lord of the Rings Book Necklace

So I am a terrible person. I should be revising negation and articles and why you don't make the verb agree if it takes avoir in the passé composé unless the object pronoun comes before the auxiliary *groans*. But instead I've watched the whole of season 1 of Teen Wolf (deceptively terrible title, it was actually quite good) and made this...

Just to clarify, I made the book not the Evenstar, that "was a gift". It was very simple, just thick drawing paper, a little bit of cardboard, a biro and some coloured pencils. Of course if you're not artistically inclined you could always print of a mini book cover instead but I think doing it yourself is nicer (and they charge a lot for coloured printing in the library, plus I'd have to walk there).

For the pages I used nine rectangles of cartridge paper, folded in half and glued together, definitely do any drawing or writing you want on them first. For the cover you will need a bigger rectangle of paper folded in three (not equal bits, it should be; almost half the rectangle, fold line, little bit, fold line, almost half the rectangle) with a thin strip of cardboard glued down the middle section. I selotaped the eyepin to the cardboard and then superglued the book pages on top. I also glued the back page to the cover for extra security.

Red Biro over coloured pencil was surprisingly effective.

I filled the pages with a variety of things, the One Ring poem, a slightly awful tiny drawing of Gandalf, a bit of tengwar, normal stuff :) and unlike the Winchester journal, this isn't a mini prop replica so you can write or draw whatever you want inside it. Favourite quotes, a homage to Orlando Bloom's wig, the options are endless.

So you can compare it to the genuine article.

The final thing to do was to attach  a jump ring and put it on the necklace.
And there you have it. Have fun :)

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